How to Use Phosphoload

One of the challenges urban gardeners face is limited space in their gardens for vertical plant growth. Not only can plants grow too tall for the space one has, as they get taller, the lower parts of the plant will require supplemental lighting.

As a result, indoor gardeners use different techniques to keep their plants from growing too tall. For example, one could use a trellis over the canopy and train the plants to grow horizontally instead of vertically.

Furthermore, there is a supplement that can stop vertical plant growth and instead create more lateral growth. The supplement is called Phosphoload.

Phosphoload makes use of advanced gains in plant technology. It actually pulls out special isolates from coal that came from humates. The humatic isolates are strong rare earth elements. When they are mixed with the technology found in Phosphoload, the result is faster flowering with bigger buds.

As mentioned earlier, after using this supplement your plants will stop their vertical growth almost instantly and instead will focus on producing big clusters of flowers laterally.

Not only will Phosphoload create more lateral growth, it will create larger flowers and increase yield up to 30%. If that isn’t enough to get you excited, it can also reduce the time it takes a plant to reach full maturity.

Using Phosphoload does come with some risk. If it’s not used correctly, you will kill your plants. This isn’t a slow death, either. Your plants will be toast in under three days.

The most common mistake made is to follow the directions on the label. The manufacturer doesn’t know what nutrients you have in your reservoir or what you’re growing. Don’t get scared though. Simply follow these instructions and you’ll be fine:

1. Start with a fresh reservoir of water.

2. In the fresh reservoir, only add your main nutrient at 75% of the previous week’s ppms.

3. Do not add any additives with the exception of root enhancers.

4. Apply Phosphoload at the beginning of your third week of flowering.

5. Apply 2-6 ml of Phosphoload per gallon of water.

6. Run your nutrient solution through your plants for three days.

7. Thoroughly flush your plants with pure water or use a leaching solution.

8. After the plants are flushed, go back to your normal feeding schedule for the middle of week three of flowering.

As you can see, it’s very simple to use Phosphoload so don’t be scared of killing your plants. Simply follow the steps outlined above and you will see great results. More lateral growth, bigger flowers, and a shorter bloom period makes this supplement a favorite among connoisseurs.